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Arzobispo apoya la sentencia contra la adopci San juan la mxima autoridad de la iglesia catlica en puerto rico y arzobispo de san juan, roberto gonzlez nieves, mostr hoy su apoyo a la sentencia del tribunal supremo de la isla contra la adopcin de una nia por parte de una pareja de lesbianas. "Estoy a favor de la decisin del tribunal", dijo en declaraciones a medios locales durante un acto en la capital puertorriquea el arzobispo de San Juan, que aclar que no est de acuerdo con la adopcin de nias y nios por parte de parejas del mismo sexo. "Todo ser humano debe crecer, conocer y sentirse christian louboutin sale amado por una madre y un padre, y el estado tiene la responsabilidad de defender ese ncleo", indic Gonzlez Nieves. No obstante, seal en relacin a los miembros de la comunidad lsbica, gay, bisexual, transgnero y transexual(Lgbtt)Que los catlicos aman a las personas de ese colectivo y que se debe evitar cualquier tipo de discriminacin. Las palabras de gonzlez nieves llegan despus de que el tribunal supremo de puerto rico decidiera el pasado mircoles, en votacin dividida, que una mujer no pueda adoptar a la hija biolgica nacida tras un proceso de inseminacin artificial de su pareja, tambin mujer, sin que sta pierda su vnculo jurdico con la Christian Louboutin Flats menor. La decisin del tribunal supremo se refera al caso de una menor nacida por un proceso de inseminacin artificial y criada por una pareja de mujeres lesbianas, una de ellas su madre biolgica. El christian louboutin shoes outlet tribunal supremo entendi que cuando un menor es adoptado debe romper todo vnculo con sus padres biolgicos para que sus nuevos progenitores adquieran la patria potestad sobre el adoptado. La decisin provoc Christian Louboutin Boots controversia en puerto rico al entender colectivos cercanos a la comunidad lgbtt que la postura del tribunal supremo estuvo motivada por tratarse de dos personas del mismo sexo. La madre biolgica de la menor, carmen milagros vlez, profesora de salud pblica de la universidad de puerto rico, mostr su descontento tras conocer la sentencia, ya que su hija no podr llevar legalmente el apellido de la otra mujer que cri a la menor desde que naci. Vlez anunci este jueves que pedir al tribunal supremo que reconsidere su decisin, para lo que cuenta con 10 das, que como dijo afecta a la integridad fsica y estabilidad de la menor en el caso de que ella enferme o fallezca. La decisin del tribunal supremo de puerto rico se produjo despus de que el lunes una multitudinaria manifestacin, de hasta 200.000 personas segn los convocantes, recorriera San Juan con el fin de proteger la familia y el matrimonio tradicional. La manifestacin, convocada por distintas confesiones cristianas, responda a las iniciativas puestas en marcha por varios legisladores del gobernante partido popular democrtico(Ppd)Para favorecer los derechos de la comunidad lgbtt en puerto rico. El conjunto de iniciativas del gobernante ppd, que lleg al poder en las elecciones generales del pasado noviembre, incluyen un proyecto para enmendar el cdigo civil y aprobar as las uniones de hecho entre parejas del mismo sexo, propuesta del presidente del senado, eduardo bathia.

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2010 louis vuitton mens hearing may have been tragic turning point Toronto as a jury was on wednesday convicting christopher husbands of two counts of second degree murder and five of aggravated assault in connection with the eaton centre shootup in downtown toronto, i was poring over a transcript of his bail hearing four long years ago. That hearing, at least in theory, marked one of those times when husbands, then buy louis vuitton uk just 21, might have been kept in jail, thus on paper perhaps somehow avoiding the shooting. Wednesday, december 17, 2014 dirk derstine, lead defence attorney in the christopher husbands trial and stephanie digiuseppe, junior counsel on the case, speak to media. (Laura pedersen/national post) Husbands was then in hamilton, ont., facing a raft of serious weapons charges, but most of them were louis vuitton online uk withdrawn by the prosecutor and instead he walked free. These are the sorts of decisions, which appear in the rear view mirror that lives in all our heads, as lousy mistakes:If only he'd been detained, if only the charges hadn't been yanked, if only husbands had been just kept in jail. On dec.2, 2010, he appeared before Justice of the Peace Karin Dresher. Though he certainly had a criminal record, it was mostly for minor offences(Marijuana possession, one for cocaine and breaches of previous bails)And was facing a charge of sexual assault on his on again, off again girlfriend, husbands appeared as a young man on the cusp, teetering between straightening out his life and falling off the proverbial cliff for good. On the plus side, he had two sureties an older brother with an unblemished track record who was willing to have him live with his wife and child, and a friend who was willing to ride herd on him, too. And husbands was in school, studying business administration at george brown college and getting good grades. (Later, in the summer of the shooting, he was working part time for the city of toronto in an after school program, which caused a huge kerfuffle when he was arrested. ) Christopher husbands arrives in court cheap louis vuitton in a file photo.The canadian press/chris young If the brother and friend weren't perfect sureties both were unemployed, and the woman was a single mom with four young kids at home they were well intentioned and husbands' brother in particular was a serious fellow. He told the jp he and his wife ran a strict household.As he put it,"We are a very structured family. " Asked what he meant by that, the brother explained he and christopher were raised in some chaos, with a mom who drank, a father who was often absent and low expectations. He was raising his son differently.They had routines:They had a bedtime;They had a breakfast time. "We have peace so everything follows a structure because we have a plan, you know the rules in my home are very important rules.We try our best because we grew up in a society, i guess, where i am considered at risk, so we try to be just not typical.We try to be the best that we can. " Abdulahhi hassan roble, father of one of the eaton centre shooting victims ahmed abdulahhi hassan, speaks. (Laura pedersen/national post) This was his third time bailing out his little brother;He had no money to speak of, but he was willing to promise $2, 000. The woman surety was older, almost 40, and she too was willing to promise $2, 000. Are sureties ever chased down afterward for the money they pledged if the bail went bad?Few, i would bet.Do any actually call the police, as they all solemnly swear they will, oh yes, at the first sign of trouble?Some, probably.Maybe. But the gravitas of the bail program i suspect exists mostly in the ordered minds of the middle class.Most people probably just want to get their brother/son/friend out of jail to somewhere warm and safe;If getting to that point involves a certain glossing of the truth, then so be it. Craig stevenson, father of hunter stevenson who was injured in the 2012 eaton centre shooting, speaks to media. (Laura pedersen/national post) Jail is a hard place, getting harder all the time.I am reliably informed that as of this month, for instance, in the federal prison system, the small cartons of milk inmates used to get with their meals have been replaced by powdered milk and the little packets of jam are also history.It's no longer enough that you lose your liberty, apparently.Better we should continue to punish in all manner of small, cruel ways. I ordered the husbands' bail transcript some short time after he was arrested as the eaton centre shooter. I looked at it with fairly unmerciful eyes.When i read it again, it was different:This week, with some neighbours, i've been involved in trying to help a friend who has been arrested.We may not be able to successfully bail him out, but if we can we will.Because jail sucks and he's a friend. I hope christopher husbands' brother is still running his serious, structured family, that the woman's kids are doing well, and that they remain glad that at least they tried.

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Ckec twitter on stock Having completed its turnaround michael kors bags outlet uk plan in 2011, carmike cinemas has embarked on an acquisition spree, fueling investors' excitement(And strong share price outperformance). Carmike cinemas has a viable business model, but its model is not michael kors cheap bags uk the most enviable among peers. Cowen research analyst doug creutz thinks the soft summer box office season this year is evidence of a secular decline in domestic attendance as viewing habits evolve.The analysis runs counter michael kors cynthia satchels to the line of thought of some media analysts who think a weak and uninspiring summer slate is the culprit.Creutz points out that the number of summer releases is in line with historical averages, while box office bulls note tent poles are spread out throughout the year more than in the past making the summer compare tougher.On tap in 2015:Blockbuster releases next year include star wars:Episode vii(Lucasfilm), Avengers:Age of ultron(Marvel), Fifty Shades of Grey(Universal), The Hunger Games:Mockingjay part 2(Lionsgate), The Good Dinosaur(WaltDisney pictures), Bond 24(Columbia).Related stocks:Ckec, cnk, rgc, mcs, rdi, amc,Lgf, sne, cmcsa,Dis, Via, viab, imax.Took in $128.8M over the weekend to mark a 6% improvement over last year's corresponding haul.Box office sales for august are on track to set a record for the month.The development gives some support to the argument that the weak box office in june and july was tied to a weak slate not fundamental demand shifts.Teenage mutant ninja turtles(Via, viab)And guardian of the galaxy(Nyse:Dis)Took in $28.4M and $24.7M, respectively, to dominate the weekend while Expendables 3(Nyse:Lgf) limped in with aDisappointing $16.3M opening.Related stocks:Rgc, amc, cnk, imax, rld, sne, cmcsa, twx, mcs, rdi, ckec, foxa, dwa. Box office:Improved trend as 'ninja turtles' and 'guardians' run rampant The solid trend continues for the film industry as weekend revenue for the top 12 movies rose 22% compared to the year ago period to $173.6M.The month is tracking for a +$900m total, and could even topple $1b which would be the first time the level has ever been achieved in august.Guardians of the galaxy passed the $300m mark as the marvel(Nyse:Dis)Movie opened in dozens of countries over the weekend.The box office cume will go even higher after the film debuts in china and japan.Location and $93.7M globally.Twenty somethings came out in force due to the nostalgia factor, according to exit surveys.The studio has already announced that it will back a sequel for 2016.Related stocks:Rgc, amc, cnk, imax, rld, sne, lgf, cmcsa, twx, mcs, rdi, ckec. Box office optimism after 'guardians' stuns Marvel's(Nyse:Dis)Guardians of the galaxy is on track to open with a weekend box office haul of $92m $96m michael kors outlet uk after sales came in extremely strong for thursday and friday.The superhero movie could have some staying power based on its solid a cinemascore rating and a 92% rotten tomatoes score.The studio expects a $65m opening, while some hollywood forecasts range as high as $74m.The film is being closely watched in the industry because the major superhero characters aren't well known.A successful run would bode well for more profitable character spinoffs from powerful franchises such as the avengers and star wars.Guardians is also one of the last big chances for the summer box office to recover to approach last year's level.Earned $139.7M last weekend to mark a 26% drop from last year's level.Dawn of the planet of the apes had a strong opening for 20th century fox(Nasdaq:Foxa), bringing in $73M to easily beat out of $55M the first movie in the new Apes franchise earned in its first weekend.Movie theater chains ckec, cnk, rgc, mcs, rdi, amc will need a blistering pace of sales for the rest of the summer to match the box office haul for the season from last year. Summer box office doldrums continue after weak holiday weekend The summer box office stayed in a sluggish trend with a 4th of july Weekend that failed to produce any fireworks.The top 12 films for the Weekend earned $118.5M, down 47% from last year when Despicable Me 2 and The Lone Ranger debuted.Transformers:Age of extinction led the box office rankings with a $36.4M haul for Paramount(Via, viab), while Tammy opened to $32.9M over the five days for Warner Bros. (Twx).The summer box office is now down nearly 20% y/y after the misfire during the crucial holiday Weekend.Related stocks:Ckec, cnk, rgc, mcs, rdi, amc, imax, foxa, sne, cmcsa, lgf.Lagarde points to the 50m working americans living below the poverty level in making her claim that"We"Have to do something about it.Legislation on a minimum wage increase has been stalled in congress, but is likely to be teed up as mid term election issue.The growth rate for the electronic sell through of movies is triple of that for tv est.The exclusive early release window for some digital titles appears to be helping to boost demand and awareness. Smashing godzilla debut for warner bros. Godzilla smashed estimates for its opening day with an estimated box office haul of over $38m.The weekend forecast is now for a $98m take vs.$65M $75M prior and a total gross of $136M for the flimsy 1998 Matthew Broderick Godzilla.Media analysts note warner bros. (Twx)And legendary pictures delivered a near perfect marketing message which teased movie goers without saturating them to the point of boredom.Gross of 2014.Early indications are that a high mix of moviegoers are paying up to see the film in the Imax(Imax)3D format.What to watch:Theater operators(Ckec, cnk, rgc, mcs, rdi, amc, dcin)Will get a definite boost with the strong weekend traffic, while time warner's q2 just got a little more exhilarating through the giant lizard's exploits.

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